Monday, July 23, 2007

Map showing where traffic accidents occur in Moseley and Kings Heath Ward

I've uploaded two maps of Moseley and Kings Heath Ward showing where traffic accidents happened in the Ward - the traffic accidents only show where people were injured and do not show car collisions where only the cars were damaged. Thus:

Accidents involving pedestrians:

Accidents involving more than one vehicle (the term 'vehicle' covers cars, buses, lorries, motorbikes and bicycles):

The key to the colours on the maps are:
Red = fatal injury; Blue = serious injury; Green = slight injury

A serious injury is where the victim had to go to hospital. A slight injury is where an ambulance was called, but the victim was able to go home after receiving treatment by the roadside.

This is the first time a map showing accidents in a Birmingham Ward has been made public.

Each map is shown over nine A4 pages, since the original map is so huge.

My aim in showing these maps is to assist in the debate as to where traffic calming measures, if any, are required.


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