Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tree planting programme for 2007/8

Work has now begun on the tree planting programme for winter 2007/8.

£10,000 has been set aside by the Moseley and Kings Heath Ward Committee for the planting of street trees in Moseley and Kings Heath Ward. This will equate to about 30 trees.

To see a map of the Ward go to

Last year 30 street trees were also planted in the Ward with the assistance of Moseley in Bloom

Here is your opportunity to suggest possible locations

The project is being lead by Moseley in Bloom (MiB), and both MiB and myself will do a visual inspection of proposed locations. Please note that just although MiB are leading on this project, locations in Kings Heath will also be considered

The plan is to do trial digs this summer of various locations to see if any underground services will stop these trees being planted. Successful locations will have the trees planted between December 2007 and February 2008.

If you are going to suggest a location please could you follow these points:
1) we need precise locations eg boundary between 1 and 3 Acme Street. It is always best to plant trees on boundary lines, so that they do not stop a property owner installing a drop kerb for vehicle access to their front garden at a later date.
2) we will only plant trees in roads where the houses are set back from the pavement at a reasonable distance. This is so as to stop the front of the property being enveloped in complete darkness by the tree. There is no set minimum depth for front gardens, but a minimum depth of 3.5metre is reasonable.
3) we will only plant trees where the pavement is at least 2.5metres wide. This will provide enough width for a wheel chair user to get comfortably past the tree. The tree pit is 1 metre wide.
4) we will only plant trees where there are no overhead telephone wires or other cables in the vicinity ABOVE the location of the tree - this is to stop any later entanglements between overhead cables and tree branches
5) we will NOT plant trees underneath the canopy of existing trees - new trees will struggle to survive underneath the canopies of other trees.
6) we will only dig trial pits, where it is clear from a visual inspection that NO underground services run directly underneath where the tree will be. Previously dug trenchs and locations of access pits will indicate where underground services exist.


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