Thursday, August 16, 2007

Update on Kings Heath TRO

I had a meeting two days ago to get an update on the Kings Heath Centre project. Attending the meeting was the Highways project leader, our Constituency Engineer and Ward Support Officer.

This update will come in two parts:
Part 1 - this e-mail - the current list of proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) alteration + highway improvements
Part 2 - following e-mail - update on the overall scheme.

This e-mail

Below is the current list of proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) alteration + highway improvements.

Please note the following update:
a) Woodbridge Road, Moseley TRO is removed as it is being carried out as part of a package of TRO Improvements for Moseley.b) Avenue Road (whole length) is now to be looked at for possible whole route traffic calming (in addition to the specific assessments of its junctions with Station Road/Grange Road and Vicarage Road).

KINGS HEATH TRO IMPROVEMENTS AND TRAFFIC SITES- SUMMARY NOTE (read inconjunction with “Kings Heath Centre and Study Area- Summary Note”)

1.0 TRO Improvements

Heathfield Road-
Site investigations do show that vehicles park both sides, half on/off the footways between High Street and the service driveways on both sides of the road. Whilst on site, I discussed the situation with a trader of the Foam Upholstery shop who has confirmed that larger vehicles do have problems accessing the service yard at the rear of the High Street shops.
However, from this discussion and observations it would not seem to be suitable to install double yellows on both sides due to loss of customer parking.
Present proposal would be, therefore, to install double yellow lines on nearside to cover approach and access to rear of shops service yard and introduce a limited waiting restriction on the length of parking directly on the opposite side of the road (just up to the access on that side).
This would strike a balance in removing obstructive parking on the nearside but create a turn-over of parking on the other side to suit traders/shoppers and ensure that vehicles park within a marked bay instead of half on/off the footway, as present.

York Road
Loading from the exiting double yellow lines at the High Street junction creates a pinch point.
However, this is prohibited during morning/afternoon peaks and as such creates a pinch point only during the off peak times.
The only way to remove this pinch point would be to prohibit loading completely, which would probably be unfavourable to local trader loading requirements.
Further comments from Councillor Mullaney (07/08/07) indicate a request from local traders for a 2 hour Limited Waiting lengths to be introduced, to provide greater turn over and prevent all day parking.
Further discussion required with Con. Eng.

Bank Street
Landlord requests Loading Bay on side of road adjacent to pub.
This is feasible and we are just seeking confirmation of required days/times, as present information is conflicting (indication that Loading Bay only required in morning but crates have been left in the road (to provide an informal loading bay area) during the afternoon also.

Avenue Road/Station Road Junction-
Request received from local residents that double yellow lines be provided either side of the junction on Avenue Road and for a short distance into Station Road.
This is to remove parked vehicles from the site lines of motorists looking to turn onto Avenue Road.
This will also allow for the Give Way lines (which are presently set forward from the kerbline) to be remarked back to the kerbline.
This seems feasible and is to be taken forward (see comments at bottom of overall note).

Station Road (between High Street and York Road)-
Existing No Entry at High Street end, rest of road is Two Way.
Motorists contravene the No Entry so that they can get into a two way road and look for parking or short-cut.
Request is for the length of Station Road between High Street and York Road to be made One Way.
Whilst this is feasible, the reason for the No Entry without a One Way was probably to prevent rat-running whilst not restricting residents to have to travel in certain directions only (with circuitous routes). This request, therefore, needs further discussion with Con. Eng. and possible consultation as to the requirements of residents.

Grange Road (between York Road and High Street)-
Existing No Entry at York Road end, rest of road is Two Way.
Similar situation as Grange Road in that motorists contravene the No Entry so that they can get into a two way road and look for parking or short-cut.
Request is for the length of Grange Road between York Road and High Street to be made One Way.
Whilst this is feasible, the reason for the No Entry without a One Way was probably the same as Grange Road, to prevent rat-running whilst not restricting residents to have to travel in certain directions only (with circuitous routes). This request, therefore, needs further discussion with Con. Eng. and possible consultation as to the requirements of residents.

Silver Street/Fairfield Road/Balaclava Road-
Request is to introduce parking prohibitions to keep junction clear.
However, there are existing waiting restrictions in place.
There is a “build-out” arrangement on the south side of Silver Street that has an advantage in slowing traffic by providing an informal give way arrangement.
Vehicles do park up to the existing double yellow lines at this “build-out” location, which does create a pinch point.
However, to remove these vehicles any further at this point would require the existing double yellow lines to be extended, which would affect parking spaces for residents and would be likely to meet with objections.
This is to be discussed further with Constituency Engineer before any further action can be recommended.

2.0 Traffic Sites

Highbury Road/Grange Road junction and Highbury Road/Station Road junction-
Site meeting with Councillor Hendricks and local resident discussed traffic situation at the Highbury Road/Grange Road junction.
At this time, the accident record does not show any history of related accidents at this junction as has been borne out during previous site meetings involving the Constituency Engineer.
However, it was felt that some local improvement could be considered in the form of introducing double yellow lines around the junction to clear vehicles from site lines and also allow dropped kerbs and tactile paving to be introduced to assist pedestrians in crossing (particularly crossing with an area free of parked cars).
Due to potential loss of resident parking spaces, this would require local consultation to determine the level of support for these measures.
The same scenario applies to the Highbury Road/Station Road junction.

Avenue Road/Grange Road Junction/existing Zebra Crossing-
Request to make existing Zebra more prominent.
Although accident record does not indicate an undue problem at this location the opportunity is to be taken to carry out a feasibility assessment of the possibility of replacing with a Pelican Crossing.
This will need to take into account local site conditions and Bus Stop locations.

High Street/Vicarage Road Traffic Signals-
into city approach, assessment of providing Left Turn Filter to allow left turn whilst vehicles are turning right/left out of Vicarage Road.
There are obvious benefits for left turners, however actual suitability and logistics are presently being assessed inconjunction with Urban Traffic Control signals staff.

3.0 Other Highway Sites requiring further investigation

Vicarage Road/Avenue Road Junction-
A number of accidents have occurred at the junction,
These require further analysis and further discussion with Constituency Engineer.

Avenue Road, whole length-
A request has been received from the District office and local member for the possible introduction of “traffic calming” along the whole length.
Accidents need to be checked for whole length.
The route is a “green” emergency route, which will require careful consideration of the type of measures proposed and consultation with emergency services.
Further analysis required and continuing discussion with Constituency Engineer.

Wheelers Lane, outside school-
Constituency Engineer has identified parent parking issues associated with school times.
To be further discussed with Constituency Engineer.

Poplar Road-
Constituency Engineer has identified this as a partial relief road to the High Street and has also received a request for a “School” flashing amber sign.
Constituency Engineer is to address this via the existing “Safer Routes to School Programme” along with the other roads in the vicinity.

Springfield Road-
Constituency Engineer has identified this as a relief road to the High Street and has also received a request for a “School” flashing amber sign.
Constituency Engineer is to address this via the existing “Safer Routes to School Programme” along with the other roads in the vicinity.

Valentine Road-
School Travel Plan Team has received comments from Paul Roberts of Fox Hollies Special School (on the Queensbridge School Campus) that it is difficult to cross Valentine Road and has requested a crossing refuge or something suitable.
Need to identify particular area of concern and whether it can be addressed by the existing “Safer Routes to School Programme”.
To be further discussed with School Travel Plan Advisor.

High Street/Valentine Road-
Request for provision of “Yellow Box” junction marking or similar (such as “Keep Clear” markings).
This will be assessed for suitability and any compliance issues.

The cobbled area is on private land. Even so, it is a useful area for pedestrians to use if necessary. Therefore, negotiations will be entered into with land owners to seek change of surface.

Alcester Road (near number 67/69)
Constituency Engineer has had a request from Councillor Yaqoob for a Loading bay to be constructed, south of Addison Road.
Site constraints need to be taken into account.
To be further discussed with Constituency Engineer.

Alcester Road (opposite Library)-
School Travel Plan Team has also received comments from Paul Roberts (Fox Hollies Special School) regarding an area of decorative/cobbled paving adjacent to the Library (into city side).
It is a “pinch point” for pedestrians at this location and the nature of the cobbles makes it difficult to walk on this area when groups of pedestrians need to pass each other.

Drayton Road/Goldsmith Road, etc-
Residents parking problems have produced requests for a Resident’s Parking Scheme. Parking surveys carried out show that majority of parked vehicles are local workers. These would need to be catered for some how, or they would displace elsewhere.
Discussions between local member and Chris Haynes (Transportation Policy) as to a need for a multi-story car park at rear of Woolworth’s (incorporating a top floor for local workers.
It is considered that this would need to be in place before Residents Parking Scheme (i.e., not short term).

Addison Road-
Buses and residents parking problems.
This has previously been extensively assessed and is not to be revisited by “Kings Heath Centre”

High Street/Vicarage Road Signal Junction-
Request from cycling officer for cycle advance stop lines/reservoirs to be added to the existing layout.
Site to be assessed for suitability (as will the Queensbridge Road/Alcester Road signal junction)

Howard Road East/Howard Road-
Request for pedestrian phase/refuge at existing signals.
There has also been a request for a displaced Pelican Crossing to be installed on the southern section of Alcester Road South.
A full assessment of long term junction improvements for this location may be considered as part of the “Alcester Road South Bus Showcase” scheme.

Railway Bridge/Valentine Road/Queensbridge Road Junction-
Possible future consideration is for Railway Bridge Widening or New Footbridge- to provide additional road width for right turn lane into Valentine Road, estimated £1m and £250k respectively.
Redesign of Queensbridge Road junction to provide greater crossing benefits for pedestrians. Where vehicles may be disadvantaged by this, they will gain if railway bridge is widened. No cost available at present. These two could become one combined scheme (but more likely to be combined with the footbridge option at £250k).
The above two will need to take into account request for new northbound left turn lane into Queensbridge Road.
A full assessment of these requests may be considered as part of the “Alcester Road South Bus Showcase” scheme.

All the above three sections will be further discussed and agreed with Constituency Engineer and then local representatives fully appraised of the final agreed proposals, including timescales for carrying out local consultation and implementation.

The carrying out of this local consultation prior to entering into the legal processes of the TRO's, in particular, will be imperative in attempting to address any resident/trader issues before the requirement to legal advertise the TRO proposals, which includes a right to legally object.


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