Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Moor Green Lane pavement reconstruction

Moor Green Lane pavement is being reconstructed in the next few weeks from its junction with Alcester Road down to the start of the playing fields.

I was hoping to get an 'Amesbury Road' type reconstruction - namely fully reslabbed with heritage slabs and kerbstones. However, this is not going to happen for the following reasons:
1) only one side of the road is in a Conservation Area
2) the Amesbury Road reconstruction turned out to be far more expensive than they originally expected and they don't have the budget to do this on Moor Green Lane

However, I have negotiated a way forward, which is as follows:
a) the southside of Moor Green Lane, which is not in the Conservation Area, will have a tarmaced pavement. All the orginal Edwardian granite and 1930's concrete agregate kerbstone will reused.
b) on the northside which runs alongside the Conservation Area, we will re-slab, except the part in front of the new developement on the former Reddings playing fields. As many of the original slabs will be re-used, although experience from Amesbury Road has shown that many will have hair-line cracks which will cause them to break when being re-fitted. Where we can't re-used the original slabs, modern white slabs will be used. All original kerbstones will be re-used.
c) there will be opportunites to plant new trees - the tree pits will be dug out at a later stage.


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