Saturday, February 17, 2007

Proposed graffiti studio at Epic Skateboard Park

Further to my previous e-mail about the former Moseley Abattoir and a possible graffiti art area, I have been contacted by the Epic Skateboard Park who are keen for such a venture to take place at their facility.

The Epic Skateboard Park is located inside the former tram depot shed at the corner of Moseley Road and Trafalgar Road, Moseley. The building contains Europe’s largest indoor skateboard park and the West Midlands indoor rock climbing facility. The abandoned former tram office building is owned by a different person – Mr Zaman of 1 Oxford Road, Moseley – and has been derelict since the early 1990’s.

The proposal at Epic Skateboard Park is to create an indoor graffiti art studio. This will be about 6metres by 12 metres in area. A roller shutter door will provide the ventilation. The graffiti artists will paint on mobile surfaces such as huge wooden plywood boards or even traditional canvases. The artists will then be able to hang the finished products on the internal walls of the skateboard park OR sell them at local art galleries.

Use of the studio will be by club membership only – similar to what currently happens at Epic at the moment. Anyone known to be tagging anywhere in Birmingham, will not be allowed to use the facility.

Use of the facility will be free.

The three local Councillors have this week agreed to set aside £1800 from Community Chest and Neighbourhood Renewal Funds to fund the creation of this studio.

It was agreed not to pursue the Moseley Abattoir graffiti art site, until it can be proved that the graffiti studio at Epic works and is manageable.


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